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The Terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Systems in the Sichuan Basin, China
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Research History
Chapter 3 Regional Structural Features and Tectonic Evolution
I. Regional Geology
II. Tectonic Setting
1. Basin-Mountain Coupling system of the Sichuan Basin and Surrounding Regions
2. Tectonic units and structural features
3. Mesozoic tectonic evolution
Chapter 4 Stratigraphic Sequences and Lithostratigraphic Units
I. Stratigraphic Division
II. The Terrestrial Triassic and Jurassic Sequences
III. The Lithostratigraphic Units
1. The Xujiahe and Xiaotangzi formations
2. The Ma’antang Foramation
3. The Zhenzhuchong, Ziliujing and Baitianba formations
4. The Xintiangou and Qianfoyan formations
5. The Lower Shaximiao and the Upper Shaximiao formations
6. The suining Formation
7. The Penglaizhen Formation
Chapter 5 Key Stratigraphical Sections
I. Upper Triassic
1. Introductions of typical sections
2. Lithologic and Palaeontologic Characters
II. Jurassic
1. Lower Jurassic Zhenzhuchong and Ziliujing formations, Middle Jurassic Xintiangou (Qianfoyan) Formation
2. The Lower and Upper Shaximiao formations
3. The Suining formation
4. The Penglaizhen Formation
Chapter 6 Fossil Biota
I. Plants
1. The Late Triassic Flora
2. The Early Jurassic Zhenzhuchong Flora
3. The Early Jurassic Ziliujing Flora
4. The Middle Jurassic Flora
II. Fossil Wood
1. The Fossils of the Middle Jurassic Lower Shaximiao Formation
2. The Fossils of the Upper Jurassic Penglaizhen Formation
3. The Fossils of the Shehong of Sichuan
III. Spores and Pollen
1. Late Triassic sporo-pollen assemblages
2. Jurassic sporo-pollen assemblages
3. The Changes of Sporo-pollen Assemblages of Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
IV. Conchostracas (Clam shrimps)
1. Conchostracan faunas
2. Geological age and correlation of conchostracas-bearing strata
V. Ostrocods
1. Middle and Late Triassic Hungarella-bythocypris-Bairdia Assemblages
2. Late Late Triassic Sulcocythere-Oncocythere-DArwinulla assemblage
3. Early and Middle Early Jurassic Metacypris mackerrowi-Darwinula assemblage
4. Late Early Jurassic Metacypris unibulla-Darwinula assemblage
5. Early Middle Jurassic Ovaticythere-Metacypris-Darwinula assemblage
6. Middle Darwinula sarytirmenensis-Metacypris assemblage
7. Late Jurassic Darwinula-Cetacella-Djungarica-Eolimnocythere assemblage
8. Late Jurassic Pinnocypridea-Damonella-Miheella assemblage
VI. Bivalves
1. Late Triassic Bivalves
2. Jurassic Bivalves
VII. Gastropods, Charophytes and Other Fossils
1. Gastropods
2. Charophytes
VIII. Vertebrate Assemblages
1. Vertebrate assemblages from the Upper Triassic
2. The Lower Jurassic Zhenzhuchong and Ziliujing formations
3. The Middle Jurassic the Xintiangou and Lower Shaximiao formations
4. The Upper Shaximiao, Suining and Penglaizhen formations
5. Characteristics of the Mesozoic vertebrate assemblages in the Sichuan Basin
Chapter 7 Major Stratigraphic Boundaries
I. The Middle Triassic-Upper Triassic Boundary
II. The Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
1. The lithologic characters of the Triassic-Jurassic Boundary
2. The palaeontological indicatiors of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary
3. The sedimentary Sequences of the Triassic-Jurassic boundary
III. The Boundaries within the Jurassic system
1. The Lower Jurassic-Middle Jurassic boundary
2. The Middle Jurassic-Upper Jurassic boundary
IV. The Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary
Chapter 8 Sedimentary Environmnent and the Evolution of Palaeogeography
I. Characteristics of Sedimentary Strata
1. The Late Triassic Sedimentary strata
2. The Jurassic sedimentary strata
II. Main Sedimentary systems
1. Alluvial Fan System
2. River Sedimentary Systems
3. Deltaic Sedimentary systems
4. Lake Sedimentary systems
III. Sedimentary Records and Paleoclimate, Paleoecology Features
1. Late Triassic
2. The Jurassic Period
IV. Basin Evolution and Palaeogeography
1. Late Triassic
2. Jurassic Period
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