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Mammalian fossils associated with the hominid skull cap collected from Gongwangling reddish clays of Lantian, shaanxi were preliminarily studied in 1965 (Chow et al., 1965). Subsequently, the locality was further excavated in the summer field seasons of 1965and 1966, and more mammalian remains were acquired )Woo et al.,1966). In this paper, all the Gongwangling mammalian remains are described in detail by the authors; their characters, chronolgy and relationships to other mammalian faunas are also discussed. The locality is situated at the northern slope of the hill of Gongwangling, which is a spur of an extensive loess platform at the northern foot of the Qinling range on the southern side of the Ba He (River), a large tributary entering the Wei He (River) near Xian (See Fig. 1).
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