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This book describes 75 species of Haplogynae Spiders from Hainan, China, they belonging to 8 families, 29 genera. The book introduces morphological characteristics, distribution, research history and others. There are 92 figures showing features. Latin name and Chinese name index appended. 简单生殖器类蜘蛛是蜘蛛目中的较小类群。这类蜘蛛通常个体较小(体长多为1~2mm),主要生活在石块下、落叶中,或是在洞穴内,一些种类甚至栖息在森林冠层中,一般不易引起人们的注意。本书共记载分布于我国海南省的简单生殖器类蜘蛛8科29属75种。内容包括总论和各论两部分。总论中扼要综述了简单生殖器类蜘蛛的研究简史、形态特征等。各论中包括对科、属和种的形态特征、地理分布等较详细的记述,以及各科的分属检索表。全书共有分类特征插图92幅,书末附有中名和学名索引。
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Publisher: Science Press, Beijing, China
Edition: 1st edition
Availability: available, not in stock.
Ebook: not available.
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