- Description
- Contents
- Details
- Review
- The
Data applied in this book were mainly from the following three aspects: 1). Historical literatures and research sources related to the fish living in Beijing and adjacent areas: the earliest work can be dated back to 1855; 2). Fish specimens preserved in the National Zoological Museum,Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences:there were 12641 specimens records collected for this book.The earliest collection record of fish in the region was in 1929.Those precious spcimen information is very important for us to trace back to the original fish fauna of the region; 3). Field surveys;since 2000,we have done many times of field investigations and collections on wild fish from natural or semi-natural water bodies such as rivers and reservoirs in beijing and ite adjacent areas including Chicheng, Xinglong, Fengning, Sanhe, Xianghe, Jixian, Langfang, Gu'an, Zhuozhou and Huailai Counties in Hebei Province. We have collected thousands of fish specimens during the field surveys. Part of specimens and samples was preserved in the National Zoological Museum, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science, and part of them have been applied in the studies of fish biology.
Two parts are included in tne book:General Review and Specific.
In the General Review, history and status of fish resources were reviewed firstly.There were at least 85 fish species distributed in Beijing and its adjacent regions in history. However, species diversity and population have taken on a sharp decrease nowdays.Almost a half of total fish species have disappeared or been very difficult to be collected in the range. Fish communities and resources are degrading as well. Threats to fish diversity were thoroughly analyzed in this book.Human activities including dam construction, habitat degradation, water pollution are primary reasons to have responsibilities. Therefore, some suggestions were also brought out for the conservation and recovery of fish resources
In the Specific, descriptions on each species, whether disappeared or still exist in the regions, included the Chinese name, Latin name, classification, English name, local name, endangerment category, diagnosis, life habit, economical value, distribution, and resources status.Pictures of live fish or specimens, as well as habitats were attached too.
- From preface
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