- Description
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- Review
- The
The first volume of this book was edited based on the field work in disticts Ali, Rikaze and Naqu. The book describes and illustrates 307 wild plant species, (including some subspecies and varieties) in 161 genera and 39 families. The description of each plant includes brief morphological characters, flowering time, distribution and habitat, and for some species, Tibetan meducinal use. The description is provided in both Chinese and English languages, with one to four color photos taken of the plant in the field. each species in this book is listed by its Chinese name, Latin name and family name, which are mostly from "Flora of Xizang" and partly from Flora of China. 本书收录西藏较为常见和地区特有的野生植物,每种植物包括中文名、拉丁名以及简要的形态特征、花期、地理分布、生境和用途。全书图文并茂,采用四色印刷,对研究人员有深刻借鉴意义,对想了解这方面知识的读者也很有启发.
Guide to the use of this book
Text of plant atlas
Appendix:Landscapes of Rangeland in Tibet
Index of Chinese Names
Index of Latin Names
Index of Latin and Chinese Names in Families
Administrative Map of Tibet Autonomous Region
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