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This is a new series book. It will be published in 13 volumes. Vol.1- vol.12 is the text of the series. Vol.13 is index and vocaburary. It will record more than 12,000 species medicinal plants of China. More than 10,000 figuers and 6,000 images are used in the books. Taxonomy, morphological description, distribution and living environment, medicinal parts,chemical component , function and application etc to each species are provided in the book.
The volume 12 of "Medicinal Flora of China", the important inter-disciplinal academic work between botanical and medicinal sciences, was published on April 25, 2013 by scientists from Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IBCAS).
The project of "Medicinal Flora of China" series started in June 2008. It consists of 13 volumes, covering 11,000-12,000 species of medicinal plants in China. The taxonomic, phytochemical, pharmacological and pharmacognosic features are described for each species. Also, included in the book are over 10,000 illustrations and 6,000 colorful pictures of Chinese medicinal plants. Volume 12 includes 14 families, 170 genera and 661 species of medicinal plants, from Arecaceae to Orchidaceae. The complilation of the whole 13 volumes will be done by June 2014.
"Medicinal Flora of China" is an authoritative reference book on traditional Chinese medicine and natural drugs. Its publication is a remarkable achievement for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and the discovery and usage of the new medicinal resources. The Academicians Hong Deyuan and Wang Wencai from Institute of Botany, CAS (IBCAS) are the directors of the editorial committee, and Dr. Zhang Shuren (IBCAS) is the deputy chief editor. Many other researchers from IBCAS are involved in the compilation of book too.
本项目收载我国药用植物12,000种,分13卷出版,前十二卷为正篇,第十三卷为《中国药用植物志词汇》,不仅作为总索引使用,而且作为中外文专业术语互译的工具书使用。每种药用植物项下记述了分类、形态描述、分布与生境、药用部位、化学成分、功效应用、注评等内容。配有该植物的墨线图10000余幅,及现已收集到的植物照片和选取重要药材照片6000多幅。 This volumes describes 661 species medical plants belonging to 14 families, 170 genera. 本卷包括棕榈科到兰科等14科170属661种、4亚种、12变种、1变型药用植物。其他各卷将陆续出版,计划于2014年底全部出齐。
1.省藤属Calamus L.
1.大喙省藤Calamus macrorrhynchus Burret
2.杖藤Calamus rhabdocladus Burret
3.白藤Calamus tetradactylus Hance
4.滇南省藤Calamus henryanus Becc.
5.小省藤Calamus gracilis Roxb.
2.黄藤属Daemonorops Blume
1.龙血藤Daemonorops draco(Willd.)Blume
2.黄藤Daemonorops jenkinsiana(Griff.)Mart.
3.刺葵属Phoenix L.
1.海枣Phoenix dactylifera L.
4.棕榈属Trachycarpus H.Wlendl.
1.棕榈Trachycarpus fortunei(Hook.)H.Wendl.
2.龙棕Trachycarpus nana Becc.
5.棕竹属Rhapis L.f.
1.棕竹Rhapis excelsa(Thunb.)A.Henry ex Rehder
2.粗棕竹Rhapis robusta Burret
6.蒲葵属Livistona R.Br.
1.蒲葵Livistona chinensis(Jacq.)R.Br.ex Mart.
7.鱼尾葵属Caryota L.
1.短穗鱼尾葵Caryota mitis Lour.
2.单穗鱼尾葵Caryota monostachya Becc.
3.鱼尾葵Caryota maxima Blume ex Mart.
8.桄榔属Arenga Labill.
1.桄榔Arenga westerhoutii Griff.
2.双籽棕Arenga caudata(LouL)H.E.Moore
9.贝叶棕属Corypha L.
1.贝叶棕Corypha umbraculifera L.
10.糖棕属Borassus L.
1.糖棕Borassus flabellifer L.
11.椰子属Cocos L.
1.椰子Cocos nucifera L.
12.油棕属Elaeis Jacq.
1.油棕Elaeis guineensis Jacq.
13.假槟榔属Archontophoenix H.Wendl.et Drude
1.假槟榔Archontophoenix alexandrae(F Muell.)H.Wendl.et Drude
14.散尾葵属Dypsis Noronha ex Mart.
1.散尾葵Dypsis lutescens(H.Wendl.)Beentje et J.Dransf.
15.槟榔属Areca L.
1.槟榔Areca catechu L.
Published by: Peking University Medical Press , Beijing, China
Title in Pinyin: Zhong Guo Yao Yong Zhi Wu Zhi
Availability: in stock.
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