The Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China 2020 Edition (referred to as the Chinese Pharmacopoeia), this edition of pharmacopoeia includes 5911 monographs, 319 new additions, 3177 revisions, 10 rejections, and 6 reductions due to the merger of monographs.
Volume I includes 2711 monographs of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs), including 117 additions,and 452 revisions.
Volume II includes 2712 monographs of chemical drugs,i ncluding 117 additions, and 2387 revisions.
Volume III includes 153 monographs of biological products, including 20 additions, and 126 revisions: 2 general requirements and 4 general monographs of biological
products are newly added.
Volume IV includes 361 general technical requirements,including 38 general requirements for preparations (35 revisions),281 generaltesting methods and other general
chapters (35 additions,51 revisions),42guidelines (12 additions,12 revisions):335 monographs of pharmaceuticalexcipients,including 65 additions,and 212
revisions.(This book is the Englishversion of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia)