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《贵州省地球化学图集》横8开幅面 ,内容分三部分。第一部分简介贵州省地质背景、地貌景观、化探样品采集方法和野外工作的布置、样品分析和质量监控。
Ⅰ Geological setting
Ⅱ Mineral resources
Ⅲ Geomorphologic landscapes
Ⅳ Sample collection
Ⅴ Analysis of samples
Ⅵ Data processing and construction of geochemical maps
Ⅶ The application to mineral exploration
Ⅷ The application to geological environment evaluation
Geological map in Guizhou Province
Ag geochemical map
As geochemical map
Au geochemical map
B geochemical map
Ba geochemical map
Be geochemical map
Bi geochemical map
Cd geochemical map
Co geochemical map
Cr geochemical map
Cu geochemical map
F geochemical map
Hg geochemical map
La geochemical map
Li geochemical map
Mn geochemical map
Mo geochemical map
Nb geochemical map
Ni geochemical map
P geochemical map
Pb geochemical map
Sb geochemical map
Sn geochemical map
Sr geochemical map
Th geochemical map
Ti geochemical map
U geochemical map
V geochemical map
W geochemical map
Y geochemical map
Zn geochemical map
Zr geochemical map
SiO2 geochemical map
Al2O3 geochemical map
Fe2O3 geochemical map
K2O geochemical map
Na2O geochemical map
CaO geochemical map
MgO geochemical map
Au anomalies and Au deposits in southwest Guizhou
Stereogram of Au geochemical anomalies in southwest Guizhou
Indications in geochemical maps for Lannigou Au deposits in different stages
Contour maps for essential elements B,Cu,K2O,MgO
Contour maps for essential elements Mn,Mo,P,Zn
Contour maps for toxic elements As,Cd,Cr,Cu
Contour maps for toxic elements Hg,Ni,Pb,Zn
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