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Atlas of Aquatic Molluscs in China collects more than 800 specimen from lakes,reservoirs,estuaries,ledge, mud-sand beaches, mangroves, shallow seas and deep seas in China. They belong to 152 families, 5 orders. The book deals with their Latin name, common name, taxonomy, living environment, biological characteristics, economic value, culture and distribution. 《中国水生贝类图谱(精)》编者郑小东、曲学存、曾晓起、李琪。 将中国范围内生存的水生贝类生物,按生物学分类梳理,并对其生物学名称,常用名称,生物学分类,生物学特征,生活习性,环保价值、经济学价值,养殖利用情况,品类、产地、分布区域进行描述,同时配有高清实物标本照片。是一本高水平的生物学类书。全书收录标本800余种,隶属5纲152科,涵盖了湖泊、水库、河口、岩礁、沙滩、泥沙滩、泥滩、红树林、浅海和深海等不同贝类栖息环境及不同季节特点,比较全面地反映了我国贝类生物的基本面貌。部分物种附有生态习性图片
多板纲 Polyplacophora) ………20
腹足纲 Gastroda) …………… 30
掘足纲 Scaphopoda ………… 352
双壳纲 Bivalvia ……………… 358
头足纲 Cephalopoda ………… 524
Title in Pin Yin: Zhongguo Shui Sheng Bei Lei Tupu Published in : Qingdao,Shandong Province, China
Publisher: Qingdao Publishing House Printed in : Qingdao, Shandong Province, China
Edition: 1st edition
Ebook availability : No
Book availability : in stock, sent in a few days
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