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China is in a unique geodynamic position and offer a good opportunity for study of dynamics of continental lithosphere. In the past 20 years a wealth of new data from all branches of earth sciences and from every provinces has been accumulated. Thus the time appeared right for an attempt at a comprehensive treatment of the new data and insight gained so far. This consideration promoted the State Seismological Bureau to establish a Lithospheric Dynamic Map Project in produce a comprehensive set of 68 maps on the scale of 1:14,000 and a 1:4,000,000 scale Lithospheric Dynamic Map of China and Adjacent Seas. More than 200 earth scientists from 7 different institutes of State Seismological Bureau and the Provincial Seismological Bureau and also from Wuhan Geological College, the Aerogeophysical Team of the Ministry of the Geology and Mineral Resources have taken part in this work. The atlas portrays the Lithospheric dynamics of China comprehensively through 6 series of maps, including geology, geophysics, geochemistry, neotectonics, seismicity, provincial seismotectonics and regional Lithospheric dynamic features. The geological map series serves as a background for the Lithospheric dynamic processes, because it is believed that the earlier tectonic evolution may furnish some guidelines for subsequent dynamic processes. The other map series assemble information on movement and deformation of the lithosphere and illustrate processes that occurred during the Neotectonic period (since 3.5 Ma ago) and that are taking place now. It also provides data on the nature of the lithosphere, crustal and upper mantle structure, geothermal data, density imbalance and state of stress that might cause future movements. Thus the atlas provides a background for further research on contemporary lithospheric dynamics and serves as regional framework for extrapolating those active processes into the geological past and the future. The assessment, prediction and mitigation of the geological hazards are of the principal areas of immediate applicability of the research results to achieved under this program. The research will also contribute knowledge needed for protection of environment and for exploration of mineral and energy resources.
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