- Description
- Contents
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- Review
- The
Biogeochemistry of Subtropical Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest and Typhoon Disturbance. Features robust predictions and explanations of the effects of typhoon disturbances on subtropical forests. Synthesizes
a wealth of information From forest stands to the ecosystem. Features a wealth of illustrations to clarify biogeochemical
processes in the forest.
This important contribution is the result of the author's theoretical thinking and longterm high value data collection
by examining the response of subtropical forest ecosystems to typhoon disturbance in great data if, The author
has bridged the gap between disturbance ecology and biogeochemistry with an interdisciplinary and quantitative approach.
This book brings together much of the current understanding of the biogeochemical cycling processes in the subtropical
forest and the mechanisms of forest productivity maintenance under frequent typhoon disturbances.
This book is certain to be of interest to anyone fascinated by the relationship between productivity and ecosystem structure
and function
1.1 Characteristics of the Okinawan Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest and Its Importance for Sustainable Management
1.2 Overview of Nutrient Cycling in Forest Ecosystems
1.3 Effects of Typhoon Disturbances on Forest Ecosystems
1.4 Motives for the Present Synthesis
1.5 The Contents and Organization of the Book
1.6 Summary
2.Study Site Characterization
2.1 Study Area
2.2 Climate
2.3 Topographic Trait and Soils
2.4 Vegetation
3.Soil Properties, Organic Carbon, and Nutrient Pools
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Study Approach
3.2.1 Forest Floor and Mineral Soil Sampling
3.2.2 Experimental Design in the Study
3.2.3 Statistical Analysis and Data Treatment
3.3 Forest Floor Mass and Carbon and Nutrient Pools
3.3.1 Carbon and Nutrient Pools
3.3.2 Topographic Effects
3.4 Soil Properties and Carbon and Nutrient Pools
3.4.1 Soil Properties
3.4.2 Carbon and Nutrient Pools
3.4.3 Cluster Analysis of Soil Data
3.5 Summary
4.Forest Structure, Species Diversity, Regeneration and
Primary production
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Experimental Approach
4.2.1 Field Survey
4.2.2 Species Diversity Indices
4.2.3 Forest Biomass Estimation
4.3 Forest Structure and Floristics
4.3.1 Structural Characteristics
4.3.2 Floristic Composition and Tree Species Diversity
4.3.3 Understory Tree Species Diversity
4.3.4 Controls of Species Diversity
4.3.5 Discussion of Species Diversity
4.4 Forest Regeneration Characteristics
4.4.1 Stand Density
4.4.2 Regeneration Strategies of Canopy Dominants
4.4.3 Restoration of Stand Structure
4.5 Aboveground Biomass and Nutrient Accumulation
4.5.1 Aboveground Biomass
4.5.2 Carbon and Nutrient Storage in Biomass
4.5.3 Discussion on Biomass Estimation and Nutrient Storage
4.6 Summary
5.Organic Matter and Nutrient Dynamics in Litter Production
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Approaches to Forest Litterfall Measurement
5.2.1 Litterfall Measurement
5.2.2 Chemical Analysis
5.2.3 Data Treatment
5.3 Litterfall Production
5.3.1 Amount and Seasonality of Litterfall
5.3.2 Nutrient Inputs by Litterfall
5.4 Effects of Typhoon Disturbance on Litterfall and Related
Nutrient Input
5.5 Discussion
5.5.1 Litter Production
5.5.2 Nutrient Concentration and Inputs
5.5.3 Nutrient Use Efficiency in Litter Production
5.5.4 Effects of Typhoon Disturbances
5.6 Summary
6.Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics in Decomposing Foliar Litter
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Factors Affecting the Decomposition Process
6.2.1 Litter Quality
6.2.2 Climate
6.2.3 Site-specific Variables
6.2.4 Human Activity
6.3 Approaches to the Study of Litter Decomposition
6.3.1 Mass Balance Method
6.3.2 Litterbag Method
6.3.3 Experimental Design in the Study
6.3.4 Chemical Analysis
6.3.5 Data Analysis
6.4 Nutrients Dynamics in Decomposing Foliar Litter
6.4.1 Weight Loss and Decomposition Rate
6.4.2 Initial Foliar Litter Quality
6.4.3 Nutrient Dynamics
6.5 Discussion
6.5.1 Dry Mass Loss and Decomposition Rate
6.5.2 Initial Litter Quality and Nutrient Dynamics
6.6 Summary
7.Nutrient Fluxes in Precipitation, Throughfall, Stemflow and Soil Water
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Methodology of Study of Forest Hydrology
7.2.1 Research Forest Stand
7.2.2 Hydrological Measurements
7.2.3 Chemical Analysis
7.2.4 Data Analysis
7.3 Rainfall Partitioning
7.3.1 Precipitation and Canopy Interception
7.3.2 Surface Runoff and Soil Lateral Flow
7.4 Nutrient Fluxes
7.4.1 Precipitation, Throughfall and Stemflow
7.4.2 Soil Water
7.5 Discussion
7.5.1 Distribution of Rainfall Components
7.5.2 Nutrient Inputs in Precipitation
7.6 Summary
8.Effects of Typhoon Disturbances on Stream Water Chemistry
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Methodology in the Study
8.3 Temporal Patterns of Stream Water Chemistry
8.3.1 Physicochemical Properties of Stream Water
8.3.2 Temporal Patterns of Streamwater Chemistry
8.3.3 Average Streamwater Concentrations During and After Typhoon Season
8.4 Discussion
8.4.1 Controls of Streamwater Chemistry
8.4.2 Effects of Typhoon Disturbance on Streamwater Chemistry
8.5 Summary
9.Integration and Opportunities
9.1 Within Stand Nutrient Cycling, Nutrient Transfer Pathway, and Nutrient Use Efficiency
9.1.1 Nutrient Cycling within the Ecosystem
9.1.2 Nutrient Transfer Pathway
9.1.3 Nutrient Use Efficiency
9.2 Effects of Typhoon Disturbance on Nutrient Cycling
9.3 Control of Forest Structure and Productivity
9.4 Future Opportunities
9.5 Summary
Appendix I
Appendix II
availability:in stock
edition:1st edition
The author is a Professor of Silviculture and Forest Biogeochemistry al the Anhui Agricultural University. where he has been a member of the faculty in the School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture since 1983. He received his M.A. from the University of the Ryukyus in 1999 and his Ph.D. from Kagoshima University of Japan in 2002. During 2003 - 2005, he was a post-doctor fellow to conduct research on biogeochemistry of forest ecosystem in Hokkaido University of Japan.
He was awarded a national model teacher in 2009.