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This is a comprehensive atlas to study the climatology on Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China sea and south China sea. It reveals the climatic features, distribution regulations of climatic key elements and activity laws of weather system effecting climate on the seas. The used data come from ship's observation are during the period from 1930 to 1979 and the used data come from island coastal stations are the statistical mean values during the recent 30 years. The analyzed items include mean values, frequency values, extreme values etc. These values are shown by isopleth, rose graphs, histogram, graphs, arrow lines
Statistical Explanation; Climatic Summary; Topographic Map of Continental and Adjacent Sea Areas of China; The Distribution Map of Meteorological Stations and Sea Area Divisions; Solar Radiation atea Surface; Annual solar global radiation; Annual solar global radiation absorbed by sea surface; Monthly solar global radiation (11,12,13); Annual radiation balance; Annual effective radiation. Temperature: Annual air temperature range; Annual sea-surface temperature range; Monthly mean air temperature; Monthly mean relative humidity; Monthly mean sea-surface temperature; Air-sea temperature difference; 99% and 1% percentiles of Monthly air temperature ; Percentage frequency of THI≥24℃ ; Percentage frequency of WCI≥1000 ; Monthly air temperature/wind direction graphs. Wind: Wind direction frequency over the Bohai, the Yellow and the East China Sea,; Monthly sea-level pressure; Monthly prevailing wind direction ; Wind direction frequency over the South China Sea; Monthly mean wind speed; Percentage frequency of wind speed≤5m/s, ≥11m/s and ≥17m/s; Win speed / direction graphs. Visibility: Percentage frequency of monthly visibility <4km and ≥10km; Monthly fogpercentage frequency; Monthly visibility/ wind direction graphs. Clouds And Precipitation: Percentage frequency and total cloud amount≤3/10 and low cloud amount 6/10; Monthly mean total cloud amount; Cloud cover /wind direction graphs; Percentage frequency of medium-and low-cloud forms over the Bohai, the Yellow and the East China Sea; Monthly mean low cloud amount; Percentage frequency of medium-and low-cloud forms over the South China sea; Monthly percentage frequency of cloud height<300m; Precipitation percentage frequency; Thunderstorm percentage frequency Monthly frequency histograms of precipitation /wind direction. Wave: Percent-age frequency of wave height≤1.5m, ≥3.5m and ≥6.0m; Monthly mean wave height; Wave height/direction histogram Composite Elements: Monthly percentage frequency of fine or poor conditions ; Monthly wind speed-Visibility-Low cloud height contingency table; Significant Synoptic System: Monthly cold high frequency and subtropical high position (256-267); Extra tropical cyclone frequency and ITCZ's location (256-267); Tropical storm frequency(268-281); Typhoon's track (268-281); Tropical storm's (or typhoon) track hitting harbours (282-285); Maximum wind speed and minimum pressure of tropical cyclones. Storm Surge: Storm surge along the coast.
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